Skeleton to build a GitBook and Deploy it to GitHub Pages

Skeleton to build a book with gitbook and deploy it to GitHub pages

Instrucciones para los autores

Assume you want to create a book inside the Github organization my-organization with name my-repo. Follow these steps:

  • Install git
  • Install NodeJS
  • Install gulp globally: npm i -g gulp
  • Install gitbook in your computer

    • Install gitbook-cli:

            npm i -g gitbook-cli
  • Join GitHub
  • Install hub (optional)
  • The skeleton of the book is hosted in this repo:
    • Fork or clone this repo hub clone etsiiull/gitbook-skeleton my-repo
    • Alternatively, clone the book in your machine using: git clone
  • Modify the files gulpfile.js and package.json
    • Substitute all the appearances of etsiiull by my-organization in gulpfile.js,
    • Substitute all the appearances of gitbook-skeleton by my-repo in gulpfile.js, package.json
    • Change the name, description, author,keywords, etc. inpackage.json`
  • Remove the origin remote: git remote rm origin
    • Or alternatively rename the remote git remote rename origin etsiiull
  • Create the new repo in GitHub: hub create my-organization/my-repo
    [~/TFGsrc/my-repo(master)]$ git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
  • In GitHub go to the settings of the new repo and set the master branch as the branch for GitHub pages
  • Run gitbook install to install plugins from registry.
  • Install the dependencies of this book/project npm i
  • Write in markdown the contents of your book
  • Compile the book with gulp build to produce the HTML
  • To deploy your book in GitHub write gulp deploy
  • Visit to see the result
  • For more details see the section Markdown and GitBook

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