
Based on the RNGLR algorithm described in the paper Right Nulled GLR Parsers (Elizabeth Scott & Adrian Johnstone, ACM, 2006).

RNGLR parsers accept any context-free grammar, while still being (nearly?) as fast as LR parsers (e.g. yacc).


Maitreya is a generalized LR parser generator written in javascript.


  • Accept GLR grammars, not limited to LR(k) grammars.
  • Support incremental (not yet) / streaming parsing.
  • Can do both scanner less parsing and token based parsing.
  • Can build grammar on the fly by using parser combinators.
  • Support both interpretation and code genearation.


import {defineGrammar, def, ref, many1, regex, choice} from 'maitreya/grammar';
import {GLRParser} from 'maitreya/interpret';

let grammar = defineGrammar(() => {
  def('exp', [ref('num')], ([num]) => num);
  def('exp', [ref('exp'), ref('op'), ref('exp')], ([lhs, op, rhs]) => op(lhs, rhs));
  def('num', [many1(regex(/^[0-9]/))], ([digits]) => Number(digits.join('')));
  def('op', [choice('+', '-')], ([op]) => {
    return {
      ['+'](lhs, rhs) { return lhs + rhs; },
      ['-'](lhs, rhs) { return lhs - rhs; }

let parser = new GLRParser(grammar);

Look at the API Reference

results matching ""

    No results matching ""